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EGOLOGO: Statue, Signs, Seasons

EGOLOGO: Statue, Signs, Seasons

Author: Piergiorgio Valente

Eurilink News July 2024

Beauty is freedom of free thought, free choice of the spirit of man made man, of the spirit above disé (which is usually called God) and that within oneself(soul). In the will of one’s own particular being(ego) in balance with the universal one (logos), the statue “egologo” is supreme synthesis for life in harmonyof forms and grace of styles.The volume “egologo” is a collection of dreams and passions, a diary of intellectual adventures of a wayfarer of the spirit,who believes in civic commitment for a world in which beautyinfuses joy of existence. Beauty that attests to the lamagnificence of life and the light that illuminates lamente, to the wonder that confounds and the miracle that warms, to the order that gives meaning to the days and to the humanized nature in art. In the patient work of homotra nòesis and poìesis.

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